Otto Knott urodził się 5 czerwca 1910 roku. Zbrodniarz, sanitariusz SS w obozie Stutthof. Dokonywał tam selekcji oraz wrzucał osobiście Cyklon B do komory gazowej. Zabijał więźniów śmiertelnymi zastrzykami oraz brał udział w egzekucjach przez rozstrzelanie. Był więc jednym z największych zwyrodnialców obozu w Stutthofie. Po wojnie dwa razy stał przed sądem jednak Knott jako jedyny z oskarżonych załogi Obozu w Stutthof został uniewinniony. Jego dalsze losy są nieznane.
Otto Knott was born 5 June 1910. Criminal, SS medical orderly in the Stutthof camp. He effected selection there as well as threw the Zyklon B personally into the gas chamber. He killed prisoners with fatal injections as well as participated in executions through executing by firing squad. So he was one of the biggest degenerates of the camp in Stutthof. After the war twice before the court however Knott has stood as from defendants of the crew of the Camp in Stutthof was only acquitted. His more distant fates are unknown.
Otto Knott was born 5 June 1910. Criminal, SS medical orderly in the Stutthof camp. He effected selection there as well as threw the Zyklon B personally into the gas chamber. He killed prisoners with fatal injections as well as participated in executions through executing by firing squad. So he was one of the biggest degenerates of the camp in Stutthof. After the war twice before the court however Knott has stood as from defendants of the crew of the Camp in Stutthof was only acquitted. His more distant fates are unknown.
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