Johann Paul Kremer jeden z najbardziej szalonych lekarzy SS. Urodził się 26 grudnia 1883 roku. Swoich pseudomedycznych zbrodni dopuścił się w obozie w Oświęcimiu. Przed wojną doktora filozofii na Uniwersytecie Berlińskim. Mógł więc prowadzić prawe życie, jednak wybrał drogę śmierci. Interesował się zmianami narządów w różnych chorobach np. w chorobie głodowej. Swoje ofiary fotografował a następnie zabijał wstrzyknięciem fenolu. Potem ze świeżych jeszcze zwłok wyjmował wątrobę, śledzionę i trzustkę, z których sporządzał odpowiednie preparaty. Pozostawił po sobie pamiętnik co mogło, a raczej powinno być dowodem jego zbrodni. Sąd skazał go na 10 lat, więzienie opuścił już po 2. Zmarł w 1965 roku.
Kremer Johann Paul one of the craziest SS doctors. 26 December 1883 was born. He committed his pseudomedical felonies in the camp in Oświęcim. Before the war of Doctor of Philosophy at university Berlin. He could so conduct the right life, however chose the road of the death. He was interested in changes of organs in different diseases e.g. in illness due to starvation. He photographed his victims and then killed with injecting phenol. Then around fresh still took the body out the liver, the spleen and the pancreas, which prepared appropriate preparations from. He left the diary after himself what could, and rather than that should be evidence of his felony. The court sentenced him to 10 years, already left the prison after 2. He died in 1965.
Kremer Johann Paul one of the craziest SS doctors. 26 December 1883 was born. He committed his pseudomedical felonies in the camp in Oświęcim. Before the war of Doctor of Philosophy at university Berlin. He could so conduct the right life, however chose the road of the death. He was interested in changes of organs in different diseases e.g. in illness due to starvation. He photographed his victims and then killed with injecting phenol. Then around fresh still took the body out the liver, the spleen and the pancreas, which prepared appropriate preparations from. He left the diary after himself what could, and rather than that should be evidence of his felony. The court sentenced him to 10 years, already left the prison after 2. He died in 1965.
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