Hans Wilhelm König urodził się w Stuttgarcie 13 maja 1912 roku. Był lekarzem SS w obozie w Oświęcimiu. Jeden z najczęściej wykonujących selekcje na rampie. Wysyłał setki ludzi na śmierć. twierdził, że to ciężka praca i musiał wypijać przy tym dużo alkoholu. Zajmował się również ciężarnymi więźniarkami, u których wywoływał poronienia, zabijając potem ich dzieci.Próbował na więźniach także amputacji. Jego ofiary mordowano potem gazem. Po wojnie długo nikt nie wiedział co się z nim dzieje. Dowiedziono, że pracował jako lekarz w Dolnej Saksonii. W 1962 roku zamknął gabinet i wyjechał. Nikt do tej pory nie wie co się z nim stało. Zapewne uciekł jak większość zbrodniarzy do Ameryki Łacińskiej.
Hans Wilhelm König born in Stuttgart 13 May 1912 . He was a SS doctor in the camp in Auschwitz. One from most often performing selection on the ramp. He sent hundreds of people to the death. he claimed that it was a hard work and had to drink much alcohol in addition. He took care of also pregnant prisoners, at which he triggered miscarriages, killing them then kids. He try on prisoners of also amputation. His victims were being murdered then with gas. After the war long nobody knew what with him was happening. They proved that he had worked as the doctor in Bottom Saksony. In 1962 he closed the study and left. Nobody so far knows what with him happened. Probably he escaped as the majority of criminals to Latin America.
Hans Wilhelm König born in Stuttgart 13 May 1912 . He was a SS doctor in the camp in Auschwitz. One from most often performing selection on the ramp. He sent hundreds of people to the death. he claimed that it was a hard work and had to drink much alcohol in addition. He took care of also pregnant prisoners, at which he triggered miscarriages, killing them then kids. He try on prisoners of also amputation. His victims were being murdered then with gas. After the war long nobody knew what with him was happening. They proved that he had worked as the doctor in Bottom Saksony. In 1962 he closed the study and left. Nobody so far knows what with him happened. Probably he escaped as the majority of criminals to Latin America.
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