Rudolf Maria Spanner urodził się 17 kwietnia 1895 roku. Oficer SS, patolog i profesor medycyny w Instytucie Anatomii Akademii Medycznej. Zajmował się produkcją mydła z ludzkich zwłok! Charakteryzowało go to, iż często przy dokonywaniu sekcji nie zakładał rękawiczek”. W 1957 r. został dyrektorem Instytutu Anatomii w Kolonii. Stworzył tam cieszący się wielkim uznaniem atlas anatomiczny Wernera Spalteholza. Atlas ten jest używany do dziś. Nigdy nie trafił do więzienia gdyż nie udało się udowodnić iż podżegał do zabijania ludzi, z których produkował mydło. Zmarł na zawał 31 sierpnia 1960 r.
Spanner Rudolf Maria was born 17 April 1895. The SS officer, the medical examiner and a professor of medicine at the Institute of the Mechanics of a school of medicine. He dealt with the production of soap from a human corpse! The fact that at making the section he hasn't often put on his gloves was characteristic of him ". In 1957 the yr became a department head of Anatomy in Koeln. He created an Wernera Spalteholza anatomical atlas there enjoying the great recognition. This atlas is being used until today. He never landed in prison because failed to prove that he incited to kill people, from which he produced soap. 31 August 1960 died of infarction.
Spanner Rudolf Maria was born 17 April 1895. The SS officer, the medical examiner and a professor of medicine at the Institute of the Mechanics of a school of medicine. He dealt with the production of soap from a human corpse! The fact that at making the section he hasn't often put on his gloves was characteristic of him ". In 1957 the yr became a department head of Anatomy in Koeln. He created an Wernera Spalteholza anatomical atlas there enjoying the great recognition. This atlas is being used until today. He never landed in prison because failed to prove that he incited to kill people, from which he produced soap. 31 August 1960 died of infarction.
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