Kurt Eimann urodził się 28 lipca 1899 roku w Zgorzelcu. Zbrodniarz wojenny, odpowiedzialny za śmierć tysięcy przedstawicieli polskiej inteligencji. 1 września 1939 SS-mani Eimanna uczestniczyli w masowych aresztowaniach Polaków na terenie Wolnego Miasta Gdańska. Jego pluton rozstrzelał bohaterskich obrońców Poczty w Gdańsku. Jego jednostka najbardziej jednak jest znana z udziału w eksterminacji pacjentów polskich i niemieckich zakładów psychiatrycznych. Sąd w Hanowerze skazał go 20 grudnia 1968 na karę 4 lat pozbawienia wolności, z których odsiedział zaledwie dwa.
Kurt Eimann was born 28 July 1899 in Zgorzelec. Criminal war, responsible for the death of thousands of representatives of the Polish intelligentsia. 1 September 1939 Eimanna SS men participated in mass arrests of Poles in the free city of Gdańsk. His platoon executed heroic defenders of the Mail by firing squad in Gdańsk. The most however his individual is well-known for the participation in the extermination of Polish and German patients of mental institutions. The court in the Hanover sentenced him 20 December 1968 for the penalty of 4 imprisoned person years, from which he sat for a certain time scarcely two.
Kurt Eimann was born 28 July 1899 in Zgorzelec. Criminal war, responsible for the death of thousands of representatives of the Polish intelligentsia. 1 September 1939 Eimanna SS men participated in mass arrests of Poles in the free city of Gdańsk. His platoon executed heroic defenders of the Mail by firing squad in Gdańsk. The most however his individual is well-known for the participation in the extermination of Polish and German patients of mental institutions. The court in the Hanover sentenced him 20 December 1968 for the penalty of 4 imprisoned person years, from which he sat for a certain time scarcely two.
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