SS-Oberscharfuhrer Hans Perschon w Majdanku był kierownikiem sekcji komory gazowe w latach 1942-1944. Jego zadaniem było także zamawiane Cyklonu B od firmy IG Farben. O jego życiu prywatnym niewiele wiadomo, ale jego zbrodnie są szeroko znane. Hans był bowiem specjalistą w sprawach uśmiercania ludzi gazem. Nie wiadomo kiedy i jak zginął, jedno jest pewne nigdy nie stanął przed sądem.
SS-Oberscharfuhrer Hans Perschon in Majdanek camp was a department head gas chambers in 1942-1944 years, was also setting him ordered B Cyclones from the IG Farben company. About his private life little it is known, but his felonies widely are known. Because Hans specialized in matters of killing people with gas. No one knows when and if he died, one thing is certain never appeared before a court.
SS-Oberscharfuhrer Hans Perschon in Majdanek camp was a department head gas chambers in 1942-1944 years, was also setting him ordered B Cyclones from the IG Farben company. About his private life little it is known, but his felonies widely are known. Because Hans specialized in matters of killing people with gas. No one knows when and if he died, one thing is certain never appeared before a court.
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