Tewje Bielski aka Tuwia Bielski i Anatol Bielski urodził się 8 maja 1906 w Stankiewiczach koło Nowogródka, zmarł w 1987 w Nowym Jorku – polski żyd, twórca i dowódca żydowskiego oddziału partyzanckiego w lasach Puszczy Nalibockiej podczas II WŚ. Tewje był obywatelem Polskim. W latach 1927-29 służył w 30 Pułku Strzelców Kaniowskich WP. Po wybuchu IIWŚ zamieszkał w Lidzie. Został powołany do Armii Czerwonej, ale wkrótce zdezerterował i powrócił do rodzinnej miejscowości. Wraz z braćmi Asaelem i Zusem utworzyli w Puszczy Nalibockiej żydowski oddział partyzancki zwany Otriada Bielskich. Liczył on ponad 1200 osób w większości uciekinierów z Gett. Można by go nazwać Mojżeszem XX wieku.....gdyby nie fakty z historii, które potwierdzają zbrodniczą działalność jego oddziału. 8 maj 1943 roku we wsi Naliboki zostaje wymordowanych 128 polaków w tym dzieci i starcy..."- Była 4.30, może 5 w nocy. Obudził mnie potężny huk. Długa seria z karabinu maszynowego poszła po chałupie. Kule przebiły na wylot belki i przeleciały nad naszymi łóżkami. Pocisk utkwił w ścianie, kilka centymetrów nad moją głową. Usłyszałem wrzaski – opowiada Wacław Nowicki. 8 maja 1943 roku miał 18 lat. – Zabarykadowaliśmy się w domu, ale napastnicy pobiegli dalej, w stronę centrum Naliboków. To nas uratowało. Wkrótce Nowiccy, którzy mieszkali na obrzeżach miasteczka, zobaczyli przez okno pierwsze płomienie. Z pobliża dobiegała gęsta kanonada. Do pogrążonych we śnie Naliboków wdarli się partyzanci. Około 120 – 150 uzbrojonych ludzi. Szli przed siebie, wpadali do chałup. Każdego, kogo napotkali na swojej drodze, zabijali z zimną krwią. Dla nikogo nie było litości – opowiada inny świadek wydarzeń, obecnie 83-letni Wacław Chilicki..." To nie jedyne miejsce wypadów oddziałów braci Bielskich. Podobnie działo się choćby w Koniuchach. W 1944 roku Tewje opuszcza swój oddział i wraca do Lidy gdzie pracował jako elektryk. W grudniu 1944 przenosi się do Wilna, a stamtąd ucieka do Palestyny. W 1955 przenosi się do Nowego Jorku gdzie pracuje jako taksówkarz. Umiera tam w wieku 81 lat. W 2008 roku powstaje super produkcja Edwarda Zwicka. Film "Opór" z gwiazdorską rolą Daniela Craiga niestety nie pokazuje całej prawdy widzowi. Nie ma w nim wzmianki o zbrodniach ani o tym, że oddział jak to przedstawia film atakuje czołgi (czego w rzeczywistości nie robił). Pominięto także fakt, że Bielski był alkoholikiem. Co niewątpliwie miało wpływ na jego decyzje. Tym samym łatwiej będzie nam zrozumieć, dlaczego Tewje wkraczając na drogę, która dla wielu okazała się wybawieniem, spowodował śmierć wielu niewinnych ludzi.
Tewje Bielski aka Tuwia Bielski and Anatol Bielski was born 8 May 1906 in Stankiewiczach by Nowogródek, died in 1987 in New York - the Polish Jew, the author and the commander of a Jewish guerrilla unit in forests of the Forest of Nalibocka during II WŚ. Tewje was Polish nationals. He served in 1927-29 years in 30 of Kaniowskich WP rifle regiment. after the II WW outburst settled in Lidzie. He was appointed to the Red Army, but soon deserted and returned to the home town. Along with brothers Asaelem and Zusem they formed a Jewish called Otriada guerrilla unit in the Forest for Nalibocka Bielsko-Biała. He counted fugitives from Ghettos above 1200 persons largely. One could call him Moyses of the 20th century..... if not for facts from stories which are confirming criminal activity of his ward. 8 May 1943 is staying in the Naliboki village butchered 128 poles including children and old men..." It was a night 4.30, 5. A huge thud woke me up. Long series from machine gunwent after the cottage. Bullets punctured beams throught and few above our beds. The bullet in the wall, a few centimeters above my head. I heard screams-Wacław Nowicki see that when 8 may 1943 was 18 years old kid. We barricade ourselves at home, but assailants ran farther, in the direction of the centre Naliboki town. Itrescued us. Soon Nowiccy which lived on outskirts of the small town, saw the first flames throught the window. From the vicinity, a thick rumble reached. To asleep town Naliboki guerrillas forced their away. About 120-150 armed people. They walked straight ahead, popped into cottages. Of everyone whom came across on their road, was killed in cold blood. There was for nobodyno merci-other witness of events is talking, at present 83 year Wacław Chylicki..." It is not the only place of outings of Bielski brothers... In 1944 Tewje is leaving it branch and is coming back to Lidy where worked as the electrician. In December 1944 is being moved to Vilnius, and from there is escaping to the Palestine. They in 1955 are moving to New York where is working as the taxi driver. He is dying there at the age of 81. In 2008 super an output of Edward Zwicka is coming into existence. The film of "Stand-bies" with the star role of Daniel Craig unfortunately isn't showing the whole truth the spectator. There is in it no mention of felonies or about the fact that the unit as it was describing the film never attacked tanks. Also, a fact that he was a alcoholic. What undoubtedly affected his decisions. In the process it will be easier for us to understand, why Tewje appearing in the route, which for many she turned out to be the salvation, brought about the death of many other innocent civilians.
Tewje Bielski aka Tuwia Bielski and Anatol Bielski was born 8 May 1906 in Stankiewiczach by Nowogródek, died in 1987 in New York - the Polish Jew, the author and the commander of a Jewish guerrilla unit in forests of the Forest of Nalibocka during II WŚ. Tewje was Polish nationals. He served in 1927-29 years in 30 of Kaniowskich WP rifle regiment. after the II WW outburst settled in Lidzie. He was appointed to the Red Army, but soon deserted and returned to the home town. Along with brothers Asaelem and Zusem they formed a Jewish called Otriada guerrilla unit in the Forest for Nalibocka Bielsko-Biała. He counted fugitives from Ghettos above 1200 persons largely. One could call him Moyses of the 20th century..... if not for facts from stories which are confirming criminal activity of his ward. 8 May 1943 is staying in the Naliboki village butchered 128 poles including children and old men..." It was a night 4.30, 5. A huge thud woke me up. Long series from machine gunwent after the cottage. Bullets punctured beams throught and few above our beds. The bullet in the wall, a few centimeters above my head. I heard screams-Wacław Nowicki see that when 8 may 1943 was 18 years old kid. We barricade ourselves at home, but assailants ran farther, in the direction of the centre Naliboki town. Itrescued us. Soon Nowiccy which lived on outskirts of the small town, saw the first flames throught the window. From the vicinity, a thick rumble reached. To asleep town Naliboki guerrillas forced their away. About 120-150 armed people. They walked straight ahead, popped into cottages. Of everyone whom came across on their road, was killed in cold blood. There was for nobodyno merci-other witness of events is talking, at present 83 year Wacław Chylicki..." It is not the only place of outings of Bielski brothers... In 1944 Tewje is leaving it branch and is coming back to Lidy where worked as the electrician. In December 1944 is being moved to Vilnius, and from there is escaping to the Palestine. They in 1955 are moving to New York where is working as the taxi driver. He is dying there at the age of 81. In 2008 super an output of Edward Zwicka is coming into existence. The film of "Stand-bies" with the star role of Daniel Craig unfortunately isn't showing the whole truth the spectator. There is in it no mention of felonies or about the fact that the unit as it was describing the film never attacked tanks. Also, a fact that he was a alcoholic. What undoubtedly affected his decisions. In the process it will be easier for us to understand, why Tewje appearing in the route, which for many she turned out to be the salvation, brought about the death of many other innocent civilians.
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