Heinz Auerswald urodził się 26 lipca 1908 roku. Był członkiem NSDAP i SS. Przewodniczył jako komisarz do spraw dzielnicy żydowskiej w Warszawie. Po wywiezieniu ostatniego człowieka z Getta przeniósł się do Ostrowa Wlkp. Po wojnie władze RFN wszczęły przeciwko niemu śledztwo, jednak nigdy nie stanął przed sądem. Zmarł w 1970 roku.
The Auerswald Heinz was born 26 July 1908. He was a member the NSDAP and SS. Chaired the Jewish district as the commissioner for in Warsaw. After taking the last man out of the Ghetto he moved to Ostrów Wlkp. After the war authorities initiated the Germany against him investigation, however never appeared before a court. He died in 1970.
The Auerswald Heinz was born 26 July 1908. He was a member the NSDAP and SS. Chaired the Jewish district as the commissioner for in Warsaw. After taking the last man out of the Ghetto he moved to Ostrów Wlkp. After the war authorities initiated the Germany against him investigation, however never appeared before a court. He died in 1970.
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