Gerd von Rundstedt Niemiecki Feldmarszałek urodził się 12 grudnia 1875 roku w Aschersleben w Saksonii-Anhalt. Członek elitarnej Szkoły Wojskowej. Walczył w I oraz II Wojnie, ale to wydarzenia z roku 1939 są dla nas najważniejsze. W owym czasie dowodził Grupą Armii "Południe" w słynnej Bitwie nad Bzurą. Dowodzone przez niego oddziały dopuściły się wielu zbrodni na terenach Polski. Był przeciwnikiem Hitlera jednak nie brał udziału w zamachu na jego życie. Po wojnie oskarżony o zbrodnie wojenne w Polsce, ZSRR i na Froncie Zachodnim, mimo to wykręcił się złym stanem zdrowia. W maju 1949 był już wolnym człowiekiem. Zmarł w Hanowerze 4 lata później.
German Gerd von Rundstedt the field marshal was born 12 December 1875 in Aschersleben in Saksonii-Anhalt. Member of the elite cadet school. He fought in and and for the II War, but these are events from 1939 are admitting us. In that time he commanded the army group "Noon" in the famous Battle above Bzura. Branches commanded by him committed many felonies on areas of Poland. He was an opponent of Hitler however yet didn't participate in the assault on his living. After the war accused of war crimes in Poland, the USSR and on the western front, yet got out with ill health. In May 1949 was already a free person. He died in Hanover 4-year later.
German Gerd von Rundstedt the field marshal was born 12 December 1875 in Aschersleben in Saksonii-Anhalt. Member of the elite cadet school. He fought in and and for the II War, but these are events from 1939 are admitting us. In that time he commanded the army group "Noon" in the famous Battle above Bzura. Branches commanded by him committed many felonies on areas of Poland. He was an opponent of Hitler however yet didn't participate in the assault on his living. After the war accused of war crimes in Poland, the USSR and on the western front, yet got out with ill health. In May 1949 was already a free person. He died in Hanover 4-year later.
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