Louise Helene Elisabeth Danz urodziła się 11 grudnia 1917 roku. Nadzorczyni SS w obozach Majdanek, Płaszów, Oświęcim i Malechów. Osobiście zadbała oto aby więźniowie nie otrzymywali po kilka dni jedzenia ani picia. W obozie Malechów zadeptała małą dziewczynkę na śmierć. W 1947 roku skazana na karę 15 lat, wychodzi po 10. Odtąd żyje po dziś dzień na wolności.
Danz Louise Helene Elisabeth was born 11 December 1917. For SS superintendent in camps Majdanek, Plaszow Auschwitz and Malechow. Personally she took care here so that prisoners didn't receive eating or drinking for a few days. In the camp Malechow trod the short girl out to the death. In 1947 sentenced to the penalty of 15 years, is leaving after 10. From now she lives to this day at large.
Danz Louise Helene Elisabeth was born 11 December 1917. For SS superintendent in camps Majdanek, Plaszow Auschwitz and Malechow. Personally she took care here so that prisoners didn't receive eating or drinking for a few days. In the camp Malechow trod the short girl out to the death. In 1947 sentenced to the penalty of 15 years, is leaving after 10. From now she lives to this day at large.
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