Ludolf-Herman Emmanuel Georg Kurt Werner von Alvensleben zwany Bubi. Urodził się 17 marca 1901 roku w Halle. Zbrodniarz wojenny, członek NSDAP, poseł do Reichstagu, pierwszy adiutant Himmlera oraz generał-major policji. W 1939 organizował dywersje w Bydgoszczy. Odpowiedzialny za wymordowanie około 4 tysięcy Polaków, w tym masowy mord w tzw Dolinie Śmierci w Bydgoszczy. Osobiście rozstrzeliwał bezbronnych cywilów. W swoim raporcie pisał: " .. aresztowaliśmy 17 667 osób z czego zlikwidowaliśmy niezwłocznie 4 247..." Zatrzymany w 1945 przez Brytyjczyków. Z obozu ucieka rok później. Korzystając z pomocy kościoła ewangelickiego ucieka wraz z rodziną do Ameryki Południowej. Do 1956 żyje spokojnie w Argentynie pod nazwiskiem Carlos Luecke. Umiera 1 kwietnia 1970 roku w Santa Rosa de Toay w Argentynie.
Ludolf-Herman Emmanuel Georg Kurt called Werner von Alvensleben Bubi. 17 March 1901 was born into Lobbies. War criminal, member NSDAP, Member of Parliament to Reichstag, the first adjutant of Himmler and the general-major of police. In 1939 he organised sabotage in Bydgoszcz. Responsible for butchering about 4 thousand Poles, including the mass murder in Valley of the Death in Bydgoszcz. Personally he executed defenceless civilians by firing squad. In his report he wrote: ".. we arrested 17 667 of persons what we liquidated 4 247 immediately from...". Stopped in 1945 by British persons. He is escaping from the camp a year later. Using the help of the evangelical church is escaping along with the family to southern America. To 1956 calmly under the name Carlos Luecke lives in Argentina. 1 April 1970 his dying in Santa Rosa de Toay in Argentina.
Ludolf-Herman Emmanuel Georg Kurt called Werner von Alvensleben Bubi. 17 March 1901 was born into Lobbies. War criminal, member NSDAP, Member of Parliament to Reichstag, the first adjutant of Himmler and the general-major of police. In 1939 he organised sabotage in Bydgoszcz. Responsible for butchering about 4 thousand Poles, including the mass murder in Valley of the Death in Bydgoszcz. Personally he executed defenceless civilians by firing squad. In his report he wrote: ".. we arrested 17 667 of persons what we liquidated 4 247 immediately from...". Stopped in 1945 by British persons. He is escaping from the camp a year later. Using the help of the evangelical church is escaping along with the family to southern America. To 1956 calmly under the name Carlos Luecke lives in Argentina. 1 April 1970 his dying in Santa Rosa de Toay in Argentina.
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