Lorenz Hackenholt urodził się 25 czerwca 1914 roku. Zbrodniarz hitlerowski, funkcjonariusz SS w Bełżcu. Członek NSDAP. Działał w grupie wykonującej eliminację z narodu ludzi chorych psychicznie, przewlekle chorych oraz niedorozwiniętych. Akcja nosiła kryptonim T4. Brał również udział w budowaniu komór gazowych w większości obozów na terenie Polski: Treblinka, Bełżec, Sobibór. Osobiście obsługiwał komorę śmierci w tym ostatnim. Był jednym z największych oprawców Bełżca. Pewne jest, iż Lorenz przeżył wojnę i ukrywał się na granicy niemiecko-austryjackiej. Jednak sąd na wniosek zony uznał go za zmarłego. Jego dalsze losy są nieznane...
Lorenz Hackenholt was born 25 June 1914. Nazi criminal, SS officer in Belzec. Member NSDAP. acted in the group performing the elimination from the nation of ill people mentally, chronically ill and retarded. The action wore the T4 code name. He also participated in building gas chambers largely of camps in Poland: Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor. Personally he waited the chamber of the death on at it last. He was one of the biggest torturers of Belzec. It is certain, that Lorenz lived the war through and was in hiding on the German border. However the court at the request of the zone regarded him as the deceased. His more distant fates are unknown...
Lorenz Hackenholt was born 25 June 1914. Nazi criminal, SS officer in Belzec. Member NSDAP. acted in the group performing the elimination from the nation of ill people mentally, chronically ill and retarded. The action wore the T4 code name. He also participated in building gas chambers largely of camps in Poland: Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor. Personally he waited the chamber of the death on at it last. He was one of the biggest torturers of Belzec. It is certain, that Lorenz lived the war through and was in hiding on the German border. However the court at the request of the zone regarded him as the deceased. His more distant fates are unknown...
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