Gregor Ebner urodził się 1892 roku w Ichenhausen. Zbrodniarz niemiecki, członek NSDAP i SS. Szef wydziału zdrowia w organizacji Lebensborn. Po wojnie sądzony przez USA, ale mimo widocznej winy nie został oskarżony. Zmarł w Bayernie w 1974 roku.
Gregor Ebner was born of 1892 in Ichenhausen. German criminal, member the NSDAP and SS. The Boss of the health department in the Lebensborn organization. After the war judged by the USA, but in spite of the visible fault the accused didn't stay. He died in Bayernie in 1974.
Gregor Ebner was born of 1892 in Ichenhausen. German criminal, member the NSDAP and SS. The Boss of the health department in the Lebensborn organization. After the war judged by the USA, but in spite of the visible fault the accused didn't stay. He died in Bayernie in 1974.
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