Joachim Hermann August Lemelsen urodził się 26 września 1888 roku w Berlinie. Oficer Armii Niemieckiej w randze generała. Pochodził z rodziny wojskowej tak więc nie obce mu były zagadnienia militarne. Jednak Joachim postanowił inaczej. Walczył w I jak i II Wojnie Światowej. Wykładał w szkołach wojskowych był wzorem, ale tylko dla podopiecznych. Walczył osobiście w Kampanii Wrześniowej. Osobiście zapewniał swoich ludzi, że będzie krył każdego, kto przesadził w represjach przeciwko cywilom w okupowanej Polsce. Tym samym dał do zrozumienia, iż okupant może na podbitych ziemiach robić co chce. Po wojnie w niewoli alianckiej, zwolniony w 1948 roku. Nigdy nie stanął przed sądem.
Lemelsen Joachim Hermann August was born 26 September 1888 in Berlin. Officer of the German Army in the rank of the general. He came from the military family so military issues were not alien to him. However Joachim decided differently. He fought in and as well as for World War II. He lectured on at cadet schools was a pattern, but only for charges. He competed personally in the September Campaign. Personally he ensured his people, that would be hiding everyone who exaggerated in repressions against civilians in occupied Poland. In the process he implied that invader could on conquered land do what wants. After the war in the allied captivity, slowed down in 1948. He never appeared before a court.
Lemelsen Joachim Hermann August was born 26 September 1888 in Berlin. Officer of the German Army in the rank of the general. He came from the military family so military issues were not alien to him. However Joachim decided differently. He fought in and as well as for World War II. He lectured on at cadet schools was a pattern, but only for charges. He competed personally in the September Campaign. Personally he ensured his people, that would be hiding everyone who exaggerated in repressions against civilians in occupied Poland. In the process he implied that invader could on conquered land do what wants. After the war in the allied captivity, slowed down in 1948. He never appeared before a court.
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