Hans Stark jeden z bardziej okrutnych zbrodniarzy wojennych, członek załogi obozu w Buchenwaldzie, Dachau i Oświęcimiu. Urodził się 14 czerwca 1921 roku. W pierwszym obozie służbę rozpoczął już w wieku 17 lat. W 1940 roku trafia do Oświęcimia. Stark brał czynny udział w gazowaniu Żydów, osobiście wrzucał Cyklon B do komory gazowej. Oprócz tego uczestniczył w egzekucjach pod "ścianą śmierci" przy bloku 11. Podczas następnych przeprowadzanych w maju 1942 roku akcji mordowania ludzi Hans Stark często odprowadzał na bok kilka kobiet, kazał im stawać w rzędzie obok krematorium, a potem strzelał do 1 czy 2 w pierś czy nogę. Gdy inne błagając o życie padały na kolana Hans krzyczał do nich "Jazda Sarah wstawaj no już" !! A potem zabijał je, jedną po drugiej. Po wojnie w 1963 stanął przed sądem skazano go nawet w 1965 roku na 10 lat mimo to wyszedł 3 lata później. Nigdy w pełni nie odpowiedział za potworne zbrodnie jakich się dopuścił. Zmarł w 1991 roku w swoim rodzinnym mieście Darmstad.
Hans Stark one of crueler war criminals, a crew member of the camp in Buchenwaldzie, Dachau and Oświęcim. 14 June 1921 was born. In the first camp he already at the age of 17 began the duty. In 1940 he is finding his way to Oświęcim. Stark took an active part in the gassing of Jews, personally threw the B Zyklon B into the gas chamber. Apart from that he participated in executions by the wall deaths "by block 11. During next actions conducted in May 1942 of murdering people Hans Stark has often accompanied a few women aside, ordered them to stop in the row by the crematorium, and then soared to 1 whether 2 into the breast or the leg. When other begging for the life fell down on knees Hans screamed to them "Ride on Sarah get up yeah already"!! And then he killed them, one after second. After the war in 1963 he appeared before a court he was sentenced even in 1965 to 10 years yet left 3 years later. Fully he was never responsible for heinous crimes he committed which. He died in 1991 in his Darmstad home town.
Hans Stark one of crueler war criminals, a crew member of the camp in Buchenwaldzie, Dachau and Oświęcim. 14 June 1921 was born. In the first camp he already at the age of 17 began the duty. In 1940 he is finding his way to Oświęcim. Stark took an active part in the gassing of Jews, personally threw the B Zyklon B into the gas chamber. Apart from that he participated in executions by the wall deaths "by block 11. During next actions conducted in May 1942 of murdering people Hans Stark has often accompanied a few women aside, ordered them to stop in the row by the crematorium, and then soared to 1 whether 2 into the breast or the leg. When other begging for the life fell down on knees Hans screamed to them "Ride on Sarah get up yeah already"!! And then he killed them, one after second. After the war in 1963 he appeared before a court he was sentenced even in 1965 to 10 years yet left 3 years later. Fully he was never responsible for heinous crimes he committed which. He died in 1991 in his Darmstad home town.
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