Erna Wallisch pierwsza kobieta na mojej liście urodziła się 10 lutego 1922 roku. Niemiecka nadzorczyni SS w obozie śmierci w Majdanku. W 1941 roku wstępuję w szeregi SS, wcześniej jest służącą. Z zeznań więźniarek wynika, że była jedną z najbardziej sadystycznych strażniczek Majdanka. Po wojnie osiedla się w Wiedniu. Tropiona przez Centrum Szymona Wiesenthala zostaje w końcu objęta śledztwem w 1973 roku, ale Austria objęła zbrodnie nazistowskie poza morderstwem!, a dowodów prokuratura nie znalazła, śledztwo umorzono. Kolejne śledztwo wytoczyła Polska, próbowano ekstradycji, pod naciskiem Polskiej prokuratury, Austriacy ponowili proces w 2008. Jednak czas był sprzymierzeńcem Erny. Zmarła w 2008 roku w Wiedniu.
Erna Wallisch the first woman on my list was born 10 February 1922. German SS superintendent in the death camp in Majdanek. In 1941 I am stopping by into SS rows, earlier is a housemaid. It appears from statements of prisoners that she was one of the most sadistic guards of Majdanek. After the war he is settling in Vienna. Tracked by the Centre of Szymon Wiesenthal is staying in the end provided with an investigation in 1973, but Austria included Nazi felonies apart from murder!, and the prosecutor's office didn't find evidence, an investigation was discontinued. Poland rolled the next investigation, they were trying of extradition, under the pressure of the Polish prosecutor's office Austrians repeated the process in 2008. However the time was Erna's ally. She died in 2008 in Vienna.
Erna Wallisch the first woman on my list was born 10 February 1922. German SS superintendent in the death camp in Majdanek. In 1941 I am stopping by into SS rows, earlier is a housemaid. It appears from statements of prisoners that she was one of the most sadistic guards of Majdanek. After the war he is settling in Vienna. Tracked by the Centre of Szymon Wiesenthal is staying in the end provided with an investigation in 1973, but Austria included Nazi felonies apart from murder!, and the prosecutor's office didn't find evidence, an investigation was discontinued. Poland rolled the next investigation, they were trying of extradition, under the pressure of the Polish prosecutor's office Austrians repeated the process in 2008. However the time was Erna's ally. She died in 2008 in Vienna.
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