Zatrzymany w maju 1945 w przez Anglików i osadzony w obozie Neuengamme. Brytyjczycy zapewne nie mieli pojęcia kogo mają w rękach, toteż straż pozwoliła na jego ucieczkę 11.09.1946 roku. Przy pomocy kościoła Ewangelickiego uciekł wraz z rodziną do Ameryki Południowej. Osiada w Argentynie i umiera tam 1 kwietnia 1970 roku w miasteczku Santa Rosa de Toay.
Actually Ludolf-Hermann Emmanuel Georg Kurt called Werner von Alvensleben Bubi von Alvensleben. 17 March 1901 was born in Halle. Member from 1929 sworn in NSDAP, the first secound hand of Himmler. General-major of police. From September 1939 in Poland. He organised destructivenesses on the rears of the front on Pomerania mainly in Bydgoszcz. Responsible for butchering over 4 thousand people in so-called for "Valley of the Death" in Bydgoszcz. Personally he carried out a sentence executing arrested persons by firing squad.
Stopped in May 1945 in through Englishmen and Neuengamme settled in the camp. British persons probably not had a clue whom they had in hands, therefore the guard allowed for his 11.09.1946 escape of the year. With the help of the Evangelical church he escaped along with the family to South America. He is settling in Argentina and there 1 April 1970 is dying in the Santa small town Rosa de Toay.
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