Josef Mengele "Anioł Śmierci" urodził się 16 marca 1911 roku w Günzburgu. Lekarz medycyny, antropolog, ale przede wszystkim najbardziej poszukiwany zbrodniarz wojenny wszech czasów. Już jako dziecko interesował się nauką biologią, fizyką, zoologią czy filozofią. Rozpoczął więc studia na medycynie. W czasach szkolnych mawiał do swoich kolegów .." iż lekarze powinni niszczyć życie pozbawione wartości”. Tezy Hipokratesa były więc mu całkowicie obce. Walczył na Ukrainie gdzie dostał Krzyż Żelazny, Czarną Odznakę za Rany oraz Medal za Opiekę nad Narodem Niemieckim. Pod koniec 1942 roku 31 letni wówczas Josef Mengele dostaję od Prezesa Adolfa kolejne zadanie, Oświęcim. Tam może wreszcie dać wyraz swoim przekonaniom. Już w dwa dni po przybyciu wysyła na śmierć 1042 Romów, w których to barakach wybuchła epidemii Tyfusu (Niemcy panicznie bali się tej choroby). Zdaniem "lekarza" Josefa tyfusu nie należało leczyć, lecz eliminować. Brał udział w kilkudziesięciu selekcjach na rampie obozu, wysyłając jednym ruchem ręki setki osób na śmierć w komorze gazowej. Podczas każdej z nich ubrany w biały lekarski fartuch i białe rękawiczki nucił "Johanna Straussa -"Nad pięknym modrym Dunajem." Gdy dostrzegał przerażone podróżą bliźnięta, bądź karły bardzo się ekscytował, wspominali więźniowie, którzy przetrwali ten koszmar. Wykonywał bowiem na nich bez znieczulenia liczne eksperymenty pseudomedyczne : amputacje, świadome zarażanie tyfusem, zakażanie ran, wymiany krwi czy też nakłucia lędźwiowe. Starał się również wpłynąć na zmiany koloru oczu, poprzez wstrzykniecie do gałki pigmentu odmiennego koloru. Oczywiście bez znieczulenia. Szacuje się, że Mengele eksperymentował na ok. 1500 bliźniętach, z których przeżyło mniej niż 100. Anioł Śmierci pryska z obozu 10 dni przed wkroczeniem Armii Czerwonej. Po wojnie jednak aresztowany i znowu szczęście, jako jedyny SS-man nie miał tatuażu z grupą krwi. Amerykanie wypuszczają go więc. W 1949 ucieka do Argentyny. Tam namierza go Mosad. Jednak akcja zostaje odwołana, gdyż priorytetem było złapanie innego zbrodniarza Adolfa Eichmanna(człowiek odpowiedzialny za transport i logistyczne przygotowanie). I tu Izraelski wywiad popełnia niewybaczalny błąd. Mogli upiec dwie pieczenie na jednym ruszcie, tak jednak się nie stało. Mengele ucieka więc dalej. Paragwaj w końcu Brazylia. Za jego głowę rząd ofiaruje 10 milionów marek!!. Nie znajduje się jednak chętny na współpracę. Mengele umiera w Brazylii niedaleko Sao Paulo 7 lutego 1979 roku.
Josef Mengele the "angel of death" was born 16 March 1911 in Günzburgu. The Doctor of Medicine, the anthropologist, but the war criminal above all the most sought of all time. As a child he was already interested learning with biology, physics, zoology or philosophy. So he began studies on medicine. In school times he said to his friends.. "doctors should ruin the life deprived of the value". So theses of Hipokrates were completely alien to him. He fought in the Ukraine where got the Iron Cross, the Black Badge for Wounds and the Medal for the Care of the German Nation. At the end of 1942 summer 31 year then Josef Mengele getting another order from Adolf's chairman, Oświęcim. There he can finally express his beliefs. In two days after the arrival he is already sending Roms to death 1042, which barracks exploded in of typhoid epidemic (Germans terribly were afraid of this illness). According to the "doctor's" one should not cure, but eliminate Josef of typhus. He participated in several dozen selection on the ramp of the camp, sending with one move of the hand of the hundred of persons to the death in the gas chamber. During every of them dressed in the white medical apron and white gloves hummed "of Johann Strauss -" on the beautiful cornflower blue Donau. "when noticed terrified with travel twins, or short men very much he was excited, prisoners which survived this nightmare recalled. Because he performed pseudomedical experiments on them without anaesthetization: amputations, deliberate infecting with typhus, infecting wounds, exchanges of blood or also a spinal puncture. He tried also to influence changes of the eye colour, through you will inject to the knob of the pigment of the different colour. Of course without anaesthetization. They are estimating, that Mengele experimented on 1500 twins, from which it survived fewer than 100. The angel of death is splashing days from camp 10 before entering of the Red Army. After the war however arrested and then again happiness, as the only SS man didn't have a tattoo with the blood type. So Americans are releasing him. In 1949 he is escaping to Argentina. There Mosad is locating him. However the action is staying canceled, because catching other criminal of Adolf Eichmann was a priority (the man responsible for the transport and the logistic preparation). And here the Israeli interview is making an inexcusable mistake. They could bake two roasts on one grate, so however didn't happen. So Mengele is escaping farther. Paraguay in the end Brazil. By his head the government will give 10 million brands!!. However he isn't willing for the cooperation. Mengele is dying in Brazil near Sao Paula 7 February 1979.
Josef Mengele the "angel of death" was born 16 March 1911 in Günzburgu. The Doctor of Medicine, the anthropologist, but the war criminal above all the most sought of all time. As a child he was already interested learning with biology, physics, zoology or philosophy. So he began studies on medicine. In school times he said to his friends.. "doctors should ruin the life deprived of the value". So theses of Hipokrates were completely alien to him. He fought in the Ukraine where got the Iron Cross, the Black Badge for Wounds and the Medal for the Care of the German Nation. At the end of 1942 summer 31 year then Josef Mengele getting another order from Adolf's chairman, Oświęcim. There he can finally express his beliefs. In two days after the arrival he is already sending Roms to death 1042, which barracks exploded in of typhoid epidemic (Germans terribly were afraid of this illness). According to the "doctor's" one should not cure, but eliminate Josef of typhus. He participated in several dozen selection on the ramp of the camp, sending with one move of the hand of the hundred of persons to the death in the gas chamber. During every of them dressed in the white medical apron and white gloves hummed "of Johann Strauss -" on the beautiful cornflower blue Donau. "when noticed terrified with travel twins, or short men very much he was excited, prisoners which survived this nightmare recalled. Because he performed pseudomedical experiments on them without anaesthetization: amputations, deliberate infecting with typhus, infecting wounds, exchanges of blood or also a spinal puncture. He tried also to influence changes of the eye colour, through you will inject to the knob of the pigment of the different colour. Of course without anaesthetization. They are estimating, that Mengele experimented on 1500 twins, from which it survived fewer than 100. The angel of death is splashing days from camp 10 before entering of the Red Army. After the war however arrested and then again happiness, as the only SS man didn't have a tattoo with the blood type. So Americans are releasing him. In 1949 he is escaping to Argentina. There Mosad is locating him. However the action is staying canceled, because catching other criminal of Adolf Eichmann was a priority (the man responsible for the transport and the logistic preparation). And here the Israeli interview is making an inexcusable mistake. They could bake two roasts on one grate, so however didn't happen. So Mengele is escaping farther. Paraguay in the end Brazil. By his head the government will give 10 million brands!!. However he isn't willing for the cooperation. Mengele is dying in Brazil near Sao Paula 7 February 1979.
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